Conference of Epistemology of the Economy: What Anthropology Is it necessary for an Epistemology of Economics?


  • Carlos Hoevel Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Gabriel Zanotti
  • Ricardo Crespo Universidad Austral


epistemology, Austrian School, spontaneous order


We present here the lectures given in the conference organized by our Journal and the Acton Institute of Argentina on November 23, 2007 around the question “What Anthropology is necessary for an Epistemology of Economics?” The two lecturers tried to answer the question showing how economics assumes an idea of human nature. They stressed the importance of making explicit this anthropological assumption. In addition, they agreed in criticizing the neoclassical economic model although they did it from their own different perspectives.


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How to Cite

Hoevel, C., Zanotti, G., & Crespo, R. (2019). Conference of Epistemology of the Economy: What Anthropology Is it necessary for an Epistemology of Economics?. Cultura Económica, 25(68), 47–58. Retrieved from