Reflections in the face of the global crisis


  • Luk Bouckaert Universidad Católica de Lovaina
  • Charles Wilber Universidad de Notre Dame
  • Helen Alford OP Universidad de Santo Tomás “Angelicum”
  • Ricardo Crespo Universidad Austral
  • Miguel Alfonso Martínez Echevarría y Ortega Universidad de Navarra
  • Michael Naughton Universidad Santo Tomás
  • José Luis Widow Lira Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
  • Simona Beretta Universidad Católica de Milán
  • Samuel Gregg Instituto Acton
  • Carlos Hoevel Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


global crisis, economy, market, culture, ethics


Cultura Económica presents in this special issue on the current crisis a series of reflections of specialists from different universities and research centers of the world in relation to the ethical and cultural dimension of this international phenomenon. To reach a greater number and variety of readers, we present these collaborations in a bilingual format. Below is a brief summary of each reflection.


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How to Cite

Bouckaert, L., Wilber, C., Alford OP, H., Crespo, R., Martínez Echevarría y Ortega, M. A., Naughton, M., … Hoevel, C. (2019). Reflections in the face of the global crisis. Cultura Económica, 27(73-74), 10–55. Retrieved from