Imaginative projection, disappointment and change: the principle of conservation and mutation of social energy in Albert O. Hirschman


  • Gonzalo Carrión Universidad Nacional de Villa María




This work proposes a re-reading of the principle of conservation and mutation of social energy, as core of the essay Getting Ahead Collectively (1984) by Albert O. Hirschman, in light of the sequential conception of social change starting from the images of change according to The Strategy of Economic Development (1958), and its deepening through the study of the dialectic of imagination and disappointment that underlies the cyclical succession of social action in Shifting Involvements (1982). This interpretation implies to highlight the particularities of the Hirschmanian approach in the analysis of human action through the process of formation of expectations of the agents as well as of the volitional and emotional factors linked with the possibility and sense of social change.


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How to Cite

Carrión, G. (2020). Imaginative projection, disappointment and change: the principle of conservation and mutation of social energy in Albert O. Hirschman. Cultura Económica, 38(99), 41–56. Retrieved from