Adam Smith: capitalism and its frustrated project of civilization


  • Ariadna Cazenave Universidad de Buenos Aires
  • Pablo Enrique Levín Universidad de Buenos Aires





In this paper we aim to address the problem that we interpret as guiding Adam Smith´s work: the question of the historical viability of modern society. To this end, we seek to argue: 1) that both The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations show that the full deployment of trade is both necessary and problematic, even seriously dangerous, as the foundation of the new society; 2) that both works discuss, from complementary angles, in what sense and under what conditions modern society is viable. If it is of interest to note that Smith reflected on such a problem, even more relevant is the very solution on which he worked throughout his career, without reaching it: the development of a scientific and philosophical foundation for a theory of modern jurisprudence that would make possible the conception and progress of a well-governed society.


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How to Cite

Cazenave, A., & Levín, P. E. (2021). Adam Smith: capitalism and its frustrated project of civilization. Cultura Económica, 39(101), 50–66.