Actuality of Augusto Del Noce's thought


  • Ricardo Delbosco Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina





In assessing to which extent Augusto Del Noce’s thought remains relevant for examining current issues, we find two different yet related dimensions: the content of his though and his method. In this paper we will explore both of them. Regarding the former, we will show that although apparently Del Noce only addresses issues that seem to have been overcome, such as Marxism and Fascism, in reality his thought reveals clues about current problems and their connections with the crisis of Marxism and secularization. Regarding his method, we claim that the current relevance of Del Noce is related to an even deeper foundation. Many scholars consider Del Noce a "philosopher through history", someone who in the midst of changing historical reality is able to trace “philosophical essences". In this sense, we will argue that his method, being based on a philosophy of being, will always be relevant and replicable in each new historical situation.


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How to Cite

Delbosco, R. (2021). Actuality of Augusto Del Noce’s thought. Cultura Económica, 39(102), 13–27.