Parentesco, prestigio y poder en la alta edad media : la antroponimia aristocrática en el Reino de León (siglos X y XI)


  • Mariel Pérez Universidad de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Aristocracy, High Middle Ages, Kinship, Anthroponymy, Political power


The aim of this paper is to analyze the scope of the study of a series of anthroponyms from Leon aristocracy, between the tenth and eleventh centuries, when analyzing the kinship structures of aristocratic groups, the depictions of family memory, and the role of kinship in the process of building political power and social prestige. This paper posits that the aristocratic groups developed a specifi c anthroponymy, based on the repetition of certain names throughout generations. This was an important element for family identifi cation, and to express in a symbolic level the organization of the kin group regarding the transmission of power as well as to assert the family prestige.  


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How to Cite

Pérez, M. (2016). Parentesco, prestigio y poder en la alta edad media : la antroponimia aristocrática en el Reino de León (siglos X y XI). Estudios De Historia De España, 16, 73–93. Retrieved from


