Evolución demográfica en Lleida desde la Guerra de la Independencia hasta el final del Trienio liberal


  • Antoni Sánchez Carcelén Universidad de Lleida


Lleida, Municipal census, Demography, Peninsular War, Triennium liberal


In the century XVIII a considerable population increase took place in the whole Spanish territory and, especially, in the Catalan. Lleida’s city was not foreign to this process, but from the end of the same century for political reasons (instability), economic (crisis of subsistence an bad crops) and military (constant wars from 1793 until 1814) this dynamics was inverted, giving place to a stabilization at the beginning of the century XIX. Thanks to the information archivist it’s possible to lead to end the central aim of this investigation, of establishing the demographic dynamic of Lleida’s city from the Peninsular War up to the end of the liberal Triennium.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Carcelén, A. (2017). Evolución demográfica en Lleida desde la Guerra de la Independencia hasta el final del Trienio liberal. Estudios De Historia De España, 9, 161–175. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/EHE/article/view/287


