A look at spirituality from the 14th century: Ibn Ḫaldūn and his vision of Ibn al-Haṭīb's sufism





Ibn Ḫaldūn, Muqaddima, Ta‛rīf, Sufism, Šifā᾿ al-sā᾿il, Epistemology, Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb


Ibn Ḫaldūn devotes part of the sixth book of his Muqaddima to Sufism in addition to a work - Šifā᾿ al-sā᾿il - devoted entirely to this discipline. The place occupied by this science - which often appears to share a field with magic - is determined by the Khaldunian epistemological model, and the condemnation of certain doctrines and practices related to it has a social and political dimension beyond the purely heretical characterisation. His work offers us a glimpse into the Sufism of his time, among whose figures the Granada-born Ibn al-Ḫaṭīb, with whom he had a close friendship, stands out. Based on his Muqaddima, Ta‛rīf and Šifā᾿ we will try to elucidate his opinion about the Sufism professed by the vizier from Granada.


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Author Biography

Dra. Gracia López Anguita, Universidad de Sevilla. España

Profesora Contratada Doctora, Department of Integrated Philologies, Universidad de Sevilla


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How to Cite

López Anguita, G. (2024). A look at spirituality from the 14th century: Ibn Ḫaldūn and his vision of Ibn al-Haṭīb’s sufism. Estudios De Historia De España, 26(2), 160–175. https://doi.org/10.46553/EHE.26.2.2024.p.160-175