
  • Julián Carrera Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Poder, resistencia cotidiana, infrapolítica, conciencia, hegemonía


In recent decades there has been a lively debate around the concept of everyday resistance, which refers to those practices through which subordinates would take advantage of the interstices left by the system to alleviate their oppression. Both James Scott's proposal of "hidden transcripts" and Michel de Certeau's "practices" have had a mixed reception in the academy, from those who follow them closely to fervent detractors. The questions as to whether or not these practices can be considered a real resistance to power or whether or not the protagonists who carry out acts of resistance should be aware of them are some of the guiding axes of the debate. Here we will try to systematize the last contributions around the tensions aroused by the notions of daily resistance, microresistance and infrapolitics.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Carrera, J. (2021). THE NOTION OF DAILY RESISTANCE OR A VAGUE ILLUSION OF AUTONOMY?. Estudios De Historia De España, 23(2), 174–193. Obtido de