The International Legal Regime within the framework of Inheritance Law


  • Juan Carlos Cajarville Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


International Succession, Inheritance Systems, International Jurisdiction, Applicable Law


: The article analyzes the foundations and rules applicable to Private International Law with the aim of understanding what the indirect rule is and how judges should apply foreign law to an international case. Should they be considered a fact or a right? Does the application come on it’s own or at the request of a party? Then, to understand the legal regime of international successions we analyzed the institute of universal succession (intestate and testamentary) and the different systems applicable to the subject. Finally, this system is compared with the wording of art. 2644 Civil and Commercial Code in force.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Cajarville, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Lawyer by the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Associated in Estudio Jurídico Notarial González Gil.



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How to Cite

Cajarville, J. C. (2018). The International Legal Regime within the framework of Inheritance Law. Prudentia Iuris, (86), 65–103. Retrieved from



Part II Research articles