About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Res Gesta is a History scientific journal edited by the Instituto de Historia of the Facultad de Derecho y Cs. Sociales del Rosario. From issue 51 is sponsored by the Nodo IH of IDEHESI, Executive Unit of CONICET.

It has been published uninterruptedly since 1977 and since 2016 it is also available in electronic format.

It privileges the disclosure of original research and unpublished documentation. It is aimed at specialists in the discipline and the academic community in general, as well as the public interested in these topics. It aspires to become a forum for reflection and debate on topics mainly referred to Argentina and America in an environment of individual freedom.

Its articles are submitted to external referral of specialists.

Res Gesta is included in the Núcleo Básico de Revistas Científicas (NBR), LATINDEX Catalogue 2.0, DOAJ, REDIB, ERIH PLUS and has been evaluated as a Level 1 Magazine by Caicyt. Its articles are compiled in DIALNET, Handbook of Latin American Studies (HLAS Online) and in the Information Matrix for the Analysis of Magazines of the University of Barcelona (MIAR).

Peer Review Process

The original articles received are considered by the members of the Editorial Board for purposes of admissibility and then submitted to an arbitration system of two external, double-blind peer reviewers. The final decision to publish or reject articles is notified by means of a written concept issued by the Editorial Board.

Publication Frequency

 Res Gesta publica cada diciembre con una periodicidad anual.

Open Access Policy

This journal subscribes to the philosophy of Open Access to scientific literature, making it possible to download, distribute, copy and print its material without restrictions, thus ensuring the fulfilment of two fundamental objectives:

- Unrestricted access to information, without economic, legal or technical barriers

- Increased visibility and impact of the institution and its researchers

Code of Conduct

Res Gesta journal subscribes to the Code of Conduct and Good Practices established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). In accordance with this Code, the editors are responsible for all content published in their journal and therefore commit themselves to:

  • Strive to meet the needs of their readers and authors.
  • Seek continuous improvement of the journal.
  • Have processes in place to ensure the quality of the material they publish.
  • Defend freedom of expression.
  • Maintain the academic integrity of the published content.
  • Prevent commercial issues from compromising intellectual and ethical standards.
  • Publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary.

Plagiarism Detection Policy

Res Gesta's plagiarism control procedure involves the following stages:

  • In the instructions to the authors, the requirement of originality of the submitted papers is manifest.
  • At the same time, the presentation of unpublished papers is an exclusive requirement for the acceptance of originals.
  • Authors are also required to explicitly mention sources in all citations, in accordance with the journal's rules.
  • Once received, the papers are checked by Turnitin's anti-plagiarism software iThenticate.
  • If any trace of plagiarism or self-plagiarism is detected, the articles will be rejected and the author will be notified.

Interoperability Protocol

This journal uses the OAI-PMH protocol for metadata harvesting.


Submission and Publication Fees

Res Gesta does not charge any fees for article submission or for the publication process (review, layout, printing and distribution). As an open access journal, no fees are charged for consultation and downloading.

Journal History

Res Gesta is a history journal that aims to encourage scientific debate; it is open to new lines of research with the aim of becoming a forum for theoretical reflection that can be used for dialogue with other disciplines. It has been published continuously since 1977.

It was promoted by the then director of the Institute of History of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Rosary, Professor Miguel Ángel De Marco, who was its director until number 34. It is currently directed by Dra. Liliana Brezzo.

With its content, dedicated in a particular way to Argentine and American history, it aspires to disseminate original works, both from researchers of the Institute of History and from other academic units and research organizations.

Digital Preservation

PKP Preservation Network

Journal content is preserved by the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) which provides free digital preservation services for journals hosted on Open Journal Systems (OJS) through the LOCKSS program.


The articles are archived in LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), through its integration with OJS, ensuring a permanent and secure archive.

LOCKSS and CLOKSS guarantee digital preservation in a decentralized and distributed manner, and ensure long-term access to published content.

See LOCKSS Manifest | See CLOCKSS Manifest

Institutional Repository

RES GESTA's articles are deposited in the Institutional Repository of the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ensuring that the integrity of the archived content is verified. Additionally, it is backed up to a master preservation folder at the institution.

DOI (Digital Object Identifier)

This journal uses DOI as a persistent identifier, managed in Crossref, which prevents loss of access to the content if the journal's URL is modified in the future.

Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.46553/RGES