The silo, an element of the cultural landscape of the port of Rosario (1905-1940)


  • Bruno Rohou Centre F. Viète, Université de Bretagne Occidentale

Palabras clave:

puerto, silo, periodización, Rosario.


Recent work has shown that the scientific and technical history of a port can be periodized by studying the evolution of two relevant indicators, quays and cranes. This communication presents a third indicator of periodisation, relevant for cereal ports: the cereal elevator. In Argentina the cereals elevators are generally built in ports and are, by their size, imposing elements of the Argentine port heritage. The paper proposes to study the terminal elevators of the port of Rosario as a relevant indicator of the periodization of port landscapes for the history of science and technology between 1905 and 1940.


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Cómo citar

Rohou, B. (2019). The silo, an element of the cultural landscape of the port of Rosario (1905-1940). Res Gesta, (55), 109–125. Retrieved from


