Análisis de la acción interior en las escenas de conjunto correspondiente a la ópera Don Giovanni de Mozart


  • Arleti Maria Molerio Rosa Universidad de Cuenca. Ecuador


The purpose of this paper is to offer an analytical approximation about group scenes in Mozart’s Don Giovanni based on a hermeneutical and interdisciplinary approach by emphasizing the relationship between Mozart’s musical thoughts and Christian religion. This approximation does not cover every aspect about this matter and should be considered as one of many possible interpretations that can arise from this type of analysis; therefore, the body of the work must be understood as a starting point of speculation about the topic. The purpose of the study is to objectively highlight the connection between Christian life, musical drama, as well as the internal actions and dynamics within the group scenes in Don Giovanni.


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How to Cite

Molerio Rosa, A. M. (2016). Análisis de la acción interior en las escenas de conjunto correspondiente a la ópera Don Giovanni de Mozart. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 30, 129–150. Retrieved from


