Violence and Memory in our Contemporary Argentina




Violence, Memory, History, Argentina


The Argentine history of the 20th century is crossed by violence. The contempt for the constitutional order due to the discredit of liberal democracy and the preference for strong and authoritarian governments, gave rise to a spiral of barbarism attributable, under different responsibilities and without distinction of ideology, to all social actors: politicians, military, syndicalists, journalists, businessmen, members of the Church, etc. Reaching its peak of terror in the National Reorganization Process, savagery spread splinters of fear, division and hatred that continue to this day. It is necessary, therefore, to make a common and plural memory of the past - memory of the subjective feeling and of the objective fact-, with a spirit of humility and magnanimity, for the reconstruction of a common future that integrates us all.


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Author Biography

Ricardo Ramón Albelda, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología

Secretario Académico de la Facultad de Teología de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina y profesor de Teología en distintas Unidades Académicas.


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Luna, Félix. La Argentina, de Perón a Lanusse. Buenos Aires: Planeta, 2000.

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Rouquie, Alain y Stephen Suffern. «Los Militares en la política latino-americana desde 1930». En Leslie Berthell Historia de la América Latina. Barcelona: Crítica, 1997, tomo XII, 281-331

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How to Cite

Albelda, R. R. (2022). Violence and Memory in our Contemporary Argentina. Teología, 59(139), 263–280.