Catholic Worker Movement: An analysis from non-violent political action and the transnational logic of social movements


  • Jeniffer Rocío Wilches Vacca Universidad del Rosario


Transnational social movements, non-violent political action, collective action, Catholic Worker Movement


The Catholic Worker Movement was characterized by framing in the dynamics of social mobilization and non-violent political action, responding, since its foundation in 1933, to a set of social and economic issues on which civil society was interested and began its activity in the United States domestic policy. Despite being a movement that arose in a national context with religious foundations, the CWM reached the development of transnational logics that contributed to the defense of their cause and the claim of values and principles that later moved to the search for resources to strengthen their struggle. Thus, the process of evolution of the movement took direction about phenomena such as diffusion, acquiring repertoires corresponding to non-violence collective action, and the use of exogenous and endogenous factors represented in various forms of political opportunities and organizational capacity.


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Author Biography

Jeniffer Rocío Wilches Vacca, Universidad del Rosario

Internacionalista por la Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá), diplomada enGeopolítica y Relaciones Internacionales Contemporáneas, además de realizar diversosseminarios sobre religión cristiana. Se ha desempeñado como practicante en laConferencia Episcopal de Colombia en el Departamento de Promoción y Defensa de laVida. Actualmente adelanta en Roma estudios de posgrado en Licencia en DoctrinaSocial de la Iglesia y Ética Pública en la Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana.


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How to Cite

Wilches Vacca, J. R. (2017). Catholic Worker Movement: An analysis from non-violent political action and the transnational logic of social movements. Colección, (27), 53–94. Retrieved from



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