Catholic Church and democracy. Historical, theological and philosophical presuppositions


  • Roberto Bosca Universidad Austral


Democracy, Authoritarianism, Catholic Church, Argentina


The author reflects on the relations between democracy and Catholicism, with special emphasis on the tensions experienced in our country. In that sense, the author believes that the relationship has been crossed by a mutual distrust. Thus, unraveling some of the nodes of this complicated relationship, says Bosca, moreover, diagnosing the etiology of this unhealthy relationship may shed some light that allows a deeper understanding of a field furrowed of misunderstandings and confusions, which more than once have become factors of tragedy. However, the author argues that the analysis of religion in its relation to politics shall be dispensed with its supernatural nature, so that it is not reduced to a purely sociological, historical or political approach.


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Author Biography

Roberto Bosca, Universidad Austral

Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Jurídicas (UBA). Profesor con dedicación exclusiva de Doctrina Social de la Iglesia (Universidad Austral). Miembro del Instituto de Derecho Eclesiástico (UCA)



How to Cite

Bosca, R. (2017). Catholic Church and democracy. Historical, theological and philosophical presuppositions. Colección, (20), 147–171. Retrieved from



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