Introduction to formal analysis of Ginastera’s ‘objective nationalism’ symphonic works


  • Pablo Bonacci Universidad Católica de Salta. Argentina


Ginastera, objective nationalism, musical analysis, musical form


This article, part of a research project at UCASAL, is devoted to the analysis of works from Alberto Ginastera’s nationalist period, such as the ballet suite Panambí, dances of the ballet Estancia op. 8a, Obertura para el “Fausto” Criollo op. 9 and Ollantay op.17. After presenting a general description of each piece and reviewing relevant background information, the central focus lies in the musical analysis of the scores. The objective is to clarify the structure and order of the compositions through a form analysis of the themes in each movement and work, as well as the study of rhythmic groups. The purpose is to provide interpretative tools and a deeper understanding of these pieces for performers and others interested in the nationalist phase of Ginastera's work.


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Author Biography

Pablo Bonacci, Universidad Católica de Salta. Argentina

Pablo Bonacci es director de orquesta egresado de la Facultad de Artes y Ciencias Musicales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina “Santa María de los Buenos Aires”. Posee un Máster Universitario en Investigación Musical de la Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (España). Realizó cursos de dirección orquestal con Xavier Puig (España), Jordi Mora (España), Eduardo Browne (Chile), Arturo Diemecke (Mexico), Jorge Lhez (Salta). Actualmente se desempeña como Coordinador de Extensión y Responsable de Investigación de la Escuela Universitaria de Música de la UCASAL (Universidad Católica de Salta).


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How to Cite

Bonacci, P. (2024). Introduction to formal analysis of Ginastera’s ‘objective nationalism’ symphonic works. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 37(1), 13–51. Retrieved from


