Metrics of Academic Production on Prudence, Phronesis and Practical Wisdom




Prudence, Phronesis, Practical Wisdom, Bibliometrics, Scientometrics


This paper seeks to identify how the term prudence and its synonyms phronesis and practical wisdom have been handled in academic literature. Information was extracted from Scopus and Web of Science, with the three terms, without time or language limits, and bibliometric and scientometric analyses were carried out using the R package Bibliometrix, with a set of 2,910 records. Two main trends were identified: a philosophical one, with great dispersion but good projection, and another very specialized in the field of economics, with good development but low centrality. Psychology has timid appearances and the consolidation of a line of research in the psychology of prudence is a challenge. 


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Author Biography

Fabio A. Salazar-Piñeros, Universidad Surcolombiana. Profesor Asociado ; Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Universidad Surcolombiana, Profesor Asociado, Programa de Psicología 

Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Doctorando en Psicología 


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How to Cite

Salazar-Piñeros, F. A. (2024). Metrics of Academic Production on Prudence, Phronesis and Practical Wisdom . Revista De Psicología, 20(39), 7–28.



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