Emotional climate, insecurity and fear of crime. Differential perceptions depending on the ideological self-positioning


  • Marcela Muratori UCA. CONICET.
  • Elena Zubieta UBA. CONICET.


Emotional climate, insecurity, fear of crime, ideological self-positioning


An emotional climate is not the mere sum of
individual emotions but a collective phenomenon
generated by how individuals interact with others
as collective answers to their economic, political
and social conditions (de Rivera, 2014).
Meanwhile, in the Argentine context, insecurity is
the main social problem perceived in the last years.
On this frame, a study was conducted with the aim
of analyzing the emotional climate, the perception
of insecurity and the fear of crime along with other
psychosocial factors, and of exploring differential
perceptive profiles according to the ideological
self-positioning. The sample, intentional, was
composed by 516 college students. The results
show a negative emotional climate (anger and
hopelessness), low institutional trust, anomic
frustration and high perception of insecurity.
Differences were observed when comparing the
participant´s perception in function of their
ideological self-positioning. Perception of a
positive emotional climate is greater among
people who are more oriented to the left, showing
more security, less hopelessness and anger. Also,
participants with left political orientation exhibit
less fear of crime, less concern about insecurity
and a minor probability of victimization risk.
However, those who were positioned ideologically
towards the right show higher levels of anomic
frustration, and institutional trust (or distrust)
varies by ideological positioning depending on the
institution which is being evaluated. Finally, the
others perception of insecurity is greater than the
own perception, thus emerging as defensive
mechanisms illusion of invulnerability, which
carry higher risk


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Author Biographies

Marcela Muratori, UCA. CONICET.

Licenciada en Psicología (UCA). Docente de la Facultad de Psicología y Psicopedagogía, (Universidad
Católica Argentina). Becaria Doctoral Tipo II, CONICET/UBA.

Elena Zubieta, UBA. CONICET.

Licenciada en Sociología (UBA), Doctora en Psicología (Universidad del País Vasco, España). Profesora
Adjunta Regular, Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigadora Independiente,


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How to Cite

Muratori, M., & Zubieta, E. (2019). Emotional climate, insecurity and fear of crime. Differential perceptions depending on the ideological self-positioning. Revista De Psicología, 11(22), 7–18. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/RPSI/article/view/1540




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