Intersubjectivity: psychoanalytic and neuroscientific convergences


  • Valeria Corbella Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


intersubjectivity, psychoanalysis, neurosciences, interdiscipline


The present work covers the origins of intersubjectivity, as a concept, within psychoanalysis and within neurosciences. The main objective is to illuminate the possible biological bases of certain psychoanalytic postulates from an interdisciplinary perspective that allows the enrichment of both disciplines. 

The advances related to the implicit memory and the mirror neurons give scientific robustness to classic psychoanalytic concepts referred to the technique. This is how the therapeutic relationship and the concepts of transference, countertransference and unconscious communication acquire a special place within the new paradigm posed by contemporary psychoanalysis. 


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Author Biography

Valeria Corbella, Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina

Dra. en Psicología, Asociación Psicoanalítica Argentina (APA), Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina 


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How to Cite

Corbella, V. (2019). Intersubjectivity: psychoanalytic and neuroscientific convergences. Revista De Psicología, 15(29), 100–112. Retrieved from


