Effectiveness of Facilitators of Use for Technological Devices in Cognitive Stimulation Tasks for Older Adults





Gerontechnology, Older Adults, Facilitating tools, Cognitive Stimulation, WEB Laboratory


The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of certain facilitators in a multipurpose web-based interactive cognitive stimulation laboratory for older adults. Sixty older adults participated and were divided into three matched groups: Experimental, Active Control, and Passive Control. Each participant was assessed at the beginning and the end of the study, and six performance measures were extracted. A repeated measures ANOVA indicated that there were improvements between the first and second assessment moments for all groups in all measures, except for the time taken. Additionally, there was an interaction between pre and post test scores and group assignment in terms of accuracy in completing the exercise and the number of attempts made, favoring the experimental group. These findings suggest that while participants showed improvement in performance through repeated access alone, the use of facilitation tools proved beneficial in further enhancing the experimental group's performance in certain aspects of the task.


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How to Cite

López Moreno, M. C., Nicotra, M. G., Rotta, A. M., Revollo Sarmiento, E. A., Roumec, B., Vivas, J. R., & Vivas, L. Y. (2023). Effectiveness of Facilitators of Use for Technological Devices in Cognitive Stimulation Tasks for Older Adults. Revista De Psicología, 19(38), 7–24. https://doi.org/10.46553/RPSI.19.38.2023.p7-24


