Eva Canel en Argentina: combates por la identidad. Análisis del ensayo Por la Justicia y por España (1909)


  • Carolina López Universidad Nacional del Sur
  • Rodrigo González Natale Universidad Nacional del Sur


Argentina, Intellectuals, Latin America, Ibero-America, Eva Canel, Roque Sáenz Peña


This article takes as a starting point the book For Justice and for Spain, written by Eva Canel in Argentina. In the first instance the vital itinerary of Canel is reconstructed, emphasizing its route by different countries of America; then the formal characteristics of the book and the discourse that the writer disseminates through its pages are analyzed; in the second instance, it analyzes the bases of argumentation that Canel structure to confront the position of Roque Sáenz Peña, with respect to the historical relationship between Argentina and Spain. Finally, from a perspective of intellectual history, the text rescues the figure of Canel as a writer, journalist and editor immersed in a context characterized by the emergence of the Argentine intellectual field, with particular characteristics and widely dominated by men.


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How to Cite

López, C., & González Natale, R. (2019). Eva Canel en Argentina: combates por la identidad. Análisis del ensayo Por la Justicia y por España (1909). Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 2(26), 120–140. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/THAA/article/view/1598


