El "grande expediente" del pleito de los frutos (1794-1795)


  • Guillermo Palombo Instituto de Historia Militar Argentina. Argentina
  • Luis Miguel de Igarzáb al Clausse Instituto de Historia Militar Argentina. Argentina


Buenos Aires, Leather, Nuts, Slavery, Trade


In 1914 the Archivo General de la Nación published what they believed was the “grande expediente” processed in 1794-1795, and described as “one the most outrageous lawsuits our colonial trade”, which discussed, following the presentation Tomás Antonio Romero –merchant dedicated to slave trade and authorized to extract fruit of the land for 250.000 pesos– if the exportable fruit leather were blac slaves imported barted. Warner the mistake, and since the file was not in tha repository, there were no reports of it until 1957, when a brief notice ot its existente appeared in a private Collection, what its processing and resolution. And then nothing was heard of his whereabouts. Its finding, in our research, allows us to review the content of such an important piece.


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How to Cite

Palombo, G., & de Igarzáb al Clausse, L. M. (2013). El "grande expediente" del pleito de los frutos (1794-1795). Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (21), 89–126. Retrieved from https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/THAA/article/view/5295


