Mayo de 1910: el imaginario a través de los discursos oficiales


  • María Victoria Carsen Investigador independiente; Argentina


This article is aimed at evidencing the ideas the official discourse seeks to transmit on different aspects or key issues in times of May Revolution’s Centenary. Through discourses pronounced in official acts and celebrations, speakers make representations on the interpretation of the revolutionary process, the feelings for Spain, the definition of Argentina as a country, the domestic feeling and, finally, the socio-political issues affecting the country in May 1910. The days Revolution’s Centenary evidenced the need to meditate upon the road walked, but also –this being more relevant according to the official intent– to introduce Argentina to the world. In words of President José Figueroa Alcorta, Argentina celebrates “offering the world the show of a country that, immersed in the task of achieving prosperity and enhancement, rises, however [...] for the evocation of its historical origins [...]”.


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How to Cite

Carsen, M. V. (2003). Mayo de 1910: el imaginario a través de los discursos oficiales. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (3), 13–30. Retrieved from


