El virrey Sobre Monte ante el dominio británico de Buenos Aires y la apropiación del tesoro real


  • Matías Dib Universidad del Salvador


The present investigation seeks to elucidate some of the endless controversies unleashed by the attitude of the viceroy of the Rio de la Plata, Marquis Rafael de Sobre Monte, against the conquest of his capital Buenos Aires by the English general Beresford; self-appointed governor of the occupied plaza towards the end of June of 1806.
The study of the collected documentary sources was directed promptly to evaluate and weigh the actions of the high-ranking Spanish officer once the taking of the city was completed; with its complex and convulsive political alternatives: the project to withdraw the Viceroy Sobre Monte to Cordoba, the requirement of the oath of allegiance to the British king and the capture of the royal treasure by the invader.


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Como Citar

Dib, M. (2018). El virrey Sobre Monte ante el dominio británico de Buenos Aires y la apropiación del tesoro real. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 1(26), 27–48. Obtido de https://erevistas.uca.edu.ar/index.php/THAA/article/view/1409


