The Inclusion of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Primary Schools


  • Delia Marone Universidad Católica Argentina
  • Julieta Polito Universidad Católica Argentina


autism, pedagogical strategies, education, restricted interests, repetitive interests


Autism is a disorder which affects the child's ability to communicate with those around them and develop mutual relations with them. Over the past twenty years, there has been a significant surge in the enrollment of students with autism in mainstream schools. This has created tensions and challenges in schools as staff struggle to meet these students and their families’ unique needs. Previous studies have revealed a lack of knowledge among school personnel regarding the distinctive traits and requirements of students with autism, as well as the effective practices necessary to support these students in inclusive educational environments. Therefore, finding a suitable method to communicate with kids and make practice the required duties are an essential concern. Teachers should be provided with appropriate training on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) so that they can successfully integrate a child with special needs in the classroom setting since a more knowledgeable teacher is more comfortable with inclusion.


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Author Biographies

Delia Marone, Universidad Católica Argentina

Delia Marone is a literary and scientific-technical English translator graduated from the ISLV, Posadas Misiones, holds an advanced diploma in Educational Institution Management from Universidad Nacional de San Martín, and is a final-year student of the Bachelor's degree in English and the English Teaching Program at Universidad Católica Argentina.

Julieta Polito, Universidad Católica Argentina

Julieta Polito is a final-year student of the Public English Translation program and the English Teaching Program at Universidad Católica Argentina.


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2023-12-01 — Updated on 2023-12-03


How to Cite

Marone, D., & Polito, J. (2023). The Inclusion of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in Primary Schools. Bridging Cultures, (8). Retrieved from (Original work published December 1, 2023)


