Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Self-Compassion Scales (EAC) in a Sample of Mental Health Professionals in Argentina


  • Marisa Rodriguez de Behrends Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Universidad Austral
  • Leandro Eidman Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales; Universidad Nacional del Chaco Austral
  • Florencia Mántaras Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina



self-compassion, validation, psychometric properties


Introduction: The purpose of this research was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Self-Compassion Scale (SCS) in a sample of mental health professionals in Argentina. Method: The sample used was non-probabilistic and voluntary of 252 psychologists and psychiatrists residing in CABA, Argentina. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, classical instrumental study was designed. Results: The confirmatory factor analysis performed allowed verification of the six-factor structure. In turn, the results reported negative and significant correlations between the dimensions theoretically considered as opposites. The internal consistency is adequate in all the subdimensions and in the total scale. Conclusion: The scale has adequate properties for its use in the population of CABA, Argentina.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez de Behrends, M., Eidman, L., & Mántaras, F. (2021). Study of the Psychometric Properties of the Self-Compassion Scales (EAC) in a Sample of Mental Health Professionals in Argentina. Revista De Psicología, 17(34), 21–34.


