About the Journal

Estudios de Historia de España, revista semestral online, perteneciente al Instituto de Historia de España de la Universidad Católica Argentina, está dirigida a difundir los estudios de los integrantes y colaboradores del mismo en el área del hispanismo, así como también los trabajos enviados por colegas del país y del exterior, propiciando de este modo el crecimiento de la disciplina y un intercambio fructífero entre los especialistas.

Su área de referencia es la historia y la cultura españolas en sus diferentes períodos cronológicos y en los distintos aspectos del desarrollo humano: político, social, económico, religioso, artístico.

Current Issue

Vol. 25 No. 2 (2023): Judaisms and christianities in the Visigothic world
Estudios de Historia de España. 2023, 25(2)

The links between the various Christian groups and the Jewish minorities in the Visigothic space represent a case study that, although investigated on many occasions and from multiple perspectives and disciplines, continues to offer keys to think about the relations between religious groups not only in the late Antique period but also in later times and even in our present day. later periods and, even, in our present time.
Within the framework of this line of research, this Dossier proposes two central objectives: on the one hand, to analyze the ways in which Christian identities -Arian, Nicene - were constructed in the Visigothic world and, on the other hand, to contribute to the knowledge of the history of the Jews and Jewesses in particular, and of Judaism in general.
The contributions gathered in this volume will allow, therefore, to approach this field of study from different points of view, alternating methodologies, disciplines and types of documentation. From the archaeological and epigraphic record to theological, pastoral and liturgical sources produced by the Christian elites of the period, the authors propose a range of approaches to explore the relationships between religious groups and the processes involved in the construction of communities and identities in the post-Roman West.

Published: 12/12/2023
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